Our Story

Star Developmental Services, Inc. is a family-oriented agency serving families in North County, San Diego. Recognizing the need for trusted care and services for families of intellectual and developmental disabilities, we can assist you with the information, resources or respite services that you may need. 

The founders started the company with the mission of providing quality services that you can trust. Our services give caregivers the opportunity to take a break from caregiving and do some self care. As a family with an intellectual and developmental disabled daughter we understand some of the challenges that families may face. Our goal is to make a meaningful impact on the lives of you and your loved one in the comfort of your home. We believed that the ability to achieve lies within, while the desire to overcome bears fruit. 

Our Mission and Vision

Star Developmental Services’ primary goal is to offer services to individuals and their families in an effort to help, support, and encourage individuals with developmental disabilities live a fulfilled life.